Sysoon is on Plancast

Plancast helps you find out about events and other social activities ahead of time so you don't miss out on them. Our users share the most interesting things on their calendars, making this the best place to find out about things to do, straight from the people doing them. And when you find something, it's easy to tell your friends about it by hitting "Count Me In" and sharing your new plan on Facebook or Twitter.

Why should I use this when I have Facebook Events, Evite, etc?

While these other services are good for inviting particular people to particular events, they aren't designed to help you discover a broader array of events and social activities that take place all the time.

Plancast keeps you informed about the things your friends are planning, as well as events that match your location and interests, thereby helping you discover things to do that you'd ordinarily miss from these other services.

Why should I share my plans?

Because going places is more fun with others! Share your plans to see which of your friends want to join you. At the very least, others will appreciate the tip and get a chance to check out what you're up to.

Plancast website


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